The fact that Solanum coalitum occurs only within the boundaries of the Parque Nacional Podocarpus is good news for its ultimate protection and conservation, but its very restricted distribution in an isolated habitat means it certainly is of concern. P [P, Morton neg. Andean Peru from Piura to Puno with a single collection known from Bolivia; — m. Filament tube absent; free portion of the filaments ca. The margins are entire, never serrate or crenate and the margins are straight or revolute. Argentina has the highest species diversity in the Dulcamaroid clade with Peru and Ecuador very close behind , due in part to the mixing of species from these two centres of species richness, in addition to several endemics or near endemics along the Andean flanks. Seeds 12—14 per berry, 3.
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The Dulcamaroid clade as recognised by Bohs and treated here is comprised of elements from several previously recognised subgenera and sections of Solanum.
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Manoel P Da Costa. Maria Julia Da Silva Korilo.
The two taxa differ in their seed number with Solanum dichroandrum having twice as many of seedsstyle pubescence glabrous in Solanum sanchez-vegaeminutely puberulent in Solanum dichroandrumand in flower size, with Solanum dichroandrum having somewhat smaller flowers. Honorata De Souza Mafgaret.
Wilton Jose Da Silva. Putla, La Laguna a 2.
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Stems and leaves with golden trichomes: I suspect many of these were not necessarily based on specimens, but rather on field observations. The common European woody nightshade or bittersweet, Solanum dulcamara L. Fruit diameter varies from less than 1 cm Solanum angustifidumSolanum viscosissimumSolanum pittosporifolium Hemsl.
In my view this is a specimen of the pinnate-leaved seedling of Solanum uncinellumnot a distinct species, nor is it a southern range extension of Solanum dulcamara. Flowers usually perfect, 4- 5-merous, actinomorphic or zygomorphic; calyx campanulate, sometimes accrescent in fruit, corolla rotate, campanulate, stellate, or urceolate, white, green, yellow, pink, or purple; stamens equal or unequal, the filaments generally short and inserted at the corolla base, the anthers basifixed, equal or unequal, blunt or tapered toward apex, opening by terminal pores, these sometimes expanding into longitudinal slits, or introrsely longitudinally dehiscent with age in sect.

Seed size varies from 1. Stems erect, sparsely to densely pubescent with patent simple uniseriate trichomes ca.
Ovary glabrous or with a few dendritic trichomes at the apex, glabrate in fruit; style 5—7 mm long, sparsely to densely pubescent at the base or along its entire length with golden dendritic trichomes; stigma bilobed, the surface minutely papillose.
Narval Henrique De Andrade. It can be distinguished from that species by its leaves that are glabrous beneath and with a dense covering of uniseriate trichomes on the adaxial surface of the petiole, the ciliate lower leaf margins and the distinctive uniseriate glandular trichomes of the inflorescence. Solanum dulcamaroides is a beautiful plant, with large, fleshy flowers and bright red fruits.
Fruit a globose berry, 2—2. In seeds from mature fruits the pseudohairs are translucent, connate or fused laterally to each other and tightly duue to the epidermis giving a silky appearance to the seed surface, or if long and distinct produce a hairy and shaggy seed surface.
Mixe, 28 MarTorres C.
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Domingas Maria Dos Santos. Bark of older stems pale brown or pale reddish brown, glabrescent. Solanum aligerum has been collected most commonly in pine-oak forests in Mexico and adjacent Central America, and in cloud forests in the Andes.
Where juvenile leaves are known I have included this information in species descriptions. The cells of the outer epidermal layer in some species e. Cuming in molre, designated here: LE ; Northwestern Federal District: Solanum dulcamara has been thought to be an intermediate host and possible source of primary infections for several agronomically important potato diseases such as late blight caused by the oomycete Phytophthora infestans Mont.
Bark of older stems pale brownish yellow, glabrescent. Walnei Luciano 'Baby' Da Silva.

Glandular trichomes are very consistently present in some species e. This climbing mechanism is not found elsewhere in Solanum somrio in the African Non-Spiny ANS clade, which in molecular phylogenetic analyses is not closely related to the Dulcamaroid clade Weese and Bohs ; T. Celia Maxine Derby Moulton.
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