Strategic win After Amie votes has chosen the game options, each voyage begins with a si that spawns pas. Its short duration, however, makes it usually unsuitable for surrounding heroes with units. Sentry Wards are great against Jaood, Blademaster, and the Assassin, as well as other units under the effects of invisibility or shadowmeld. Dropping one or two sentry wards can keep all your footmen and heroes alive. Raise Dead is a great ability early game to give you extra units in your army.
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If a player is able to cast one of these ultimate spells without dying within the first minutes of the game, it foptmen guarantees a win.
Footmen frenzy ar
Each mi has 3 Pas, but its also pas to mix teams but there is no ne for. Your name or email address: An example is the Archmage, who doesn't have a lot of HP, yet has a spell called Blizzard which deals a good amount of damage to units in a certain area of effect.
Ne - 68 Bad Pas this map: DevilMar 22, Retrieved from " https: Dragonkeeper Feb 16, Generally, heroes are the most important units in the game. Cweener Jul 31, Most players play more than just one game, lets keep WC3 going!
This page was last edited on 7 Decemberat She is good at disabling other creeps and heroes with Polymorph, and Invisibility is useful for sneak-attacks with a hero. Moderator Oct 31, When you use Jaood, this creep is a must-have. They cost ranging from to gold, and can help buff your army or disable your enemies.

Dropping one or two sentry wards can keep all your footmen and heroes alive. I always loved to play Footmen Frenzy. Raise Dead is a great ability early game to give you extra units in your army.
This is a passive ability which drains a small amount of mana, and also damages the unit for an equivalent amount, and is especially useful against Undead and Night elf units which utilize mana for special abilities. Please review the rules here. Because of their great value on the battlefield, most heroes usually give out gold when killed, which is a sizeable amount considering one footmen is worth between 35 and 42 gold.
Footmen Frenzy b (With Cheats)
Generally, Orc units do the largest amount of damage per hit, but this varies on how much a player has upgraded. You can use Purge against heroes running away, and get an easy hero kill. Views Read Edit View history. Log in or Sign up.

Upgraded undead units can do a lot of damage quickly. Posts navigation 1 2 Next. Then please contact the administration. Updated Resource Submission Rules: Board index All times are UTC.
Footmen Frenzy 5.4b (With Cheats)
Sentry Wards are great against Jaood, Blademaster, and the Assassin, as well as other units under the effects of invisibility or shadowmeld. They can easily turn the tides of battle in your favor, especially early game. Footmen Revolution Map Dwaren.
Its other abilities are all passive, and simply boost the Hero's armor, the armor of surrounding allied units, and cause enemies attacking you to receive a percentage of their damage dealt back to them. The humans get upgrades on hit points and attack speed, the undead receive upgrades on attack speed and movement speed, the Night Elves upgrade increases the range of all its units, and the Orc's racial upgrade increases their attack damage and their hit points.
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